Europa-Park was the first ‘Green Amusement Park’ in the world - as certified by the TÜV. It is still the only amusement park in the world with this certificate. The testing authority scrutinised the entire park a few years ago. “Europa-Park received a good rating for the use of regenerative energies, for example,” the testers explained. Europa-Park is the only theme park in the world with its own hydroelectric power plant.
Other seals confirm Europa-Park as a sustainability pioneer. For example, it was the first tourism destination to receive the ‘Sustainable Destination’ award from the Baden-Württemberg state government. Europa-Park is already putting a great deal of effort into providing evidence, for example, on the basis of the Supply Chain Act. In the course of the EU’s ‘Green Deal’, there will be further obligations to check, report, notify and publish - and thus an even greater effort.
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